Meet our new Resident Assist, Filipe Aragão!
May 17, 2017
As more and more out-of-town and international students join us at BAE, having peer support is even more important than ever. We are thrilled to have Filipe as the official Student RA for BAE. Filipe is happy to be on hand to assist our students living away from home. As always, the BAE faculty and staff is also here support and guide all of our students as they work to pursue their dreams and goals of a professional ballet career.
Read the interview below and get to know Filipe.
BAE: Tell us a little bit about your life in Brazil.
FA: I’m from a city called São Luis, the capital of one of the Brazilian states. It’s an Island located in the northeast of Brazil. I have two siblings, an older brother and an older sister. My brother is the owner of a marketing company and my sister is a dentist. None of them dance.
BAE: How did you discover ballet, and what do you love about it?
FA: I started dancing when I was seventeen with ballroom zouk and samba, both Brazilian rhythms. Sometime later I decided to start ballet just to help with my ballroom. I ended up liking ballet more than ballroom which made me dedicate exclusively to ballet. What made me fall in love with ballet was the whole technique and the details involved to make something look so effortless.
BAE: How did you adjust to life in NY and at BAE when you first arrived last year?
FA: The beginning was a bit hard. I’ve never lived alone for that much time and it was my first time in America in a totally different city, culture, and language with no family. As time passed I started learning how to be more independent. People say everything is easier when you are not alone – the friends I’ve made here and the BAE environment helped to make me feel at home. Today I can say I have a home and family in NY, and it’s BAE.
BAE: Do you think you can be a helpful guide to new students coming to NY to study at BAE? What advise can you offer the new students?
FA: Yes, because things are easier when you have someone that has actually lived through everything you will probably experience, to guide and help you. The best advice is to work hard and enjoy every second. You couldn’t be in better hands.
BAE: Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at BAE?
FA: Last year was an amazing year. I’ve grown as a dancer but also as a person. I’ve learned so much about ballet, life, and people. BAE gives you the training and the opportunities you need to be a professional but always in a healthy environment with a spirit of help and friendship.
And for the new students, have an amazing year. See you in class and in the hallways!